Log Frame Analysis

Maternal Health
- Promote Institutional Delivery,
- Establish referral Mechanism
Reduce Maternal Mortality
Corporation Reporting
- Promote use of Nischay kit for identification of Pregnancy
- Keeping record and regular follows recently married couples of those who are not using any contraceptive measures.
- Monitor regular house visit of the FHW in the field.
Early Registration of Marriage
- No of Nischay kits used and number of pregnancy registered using kit identification method.
- Completeness of records FHW
- Monitoring of Field visit of diary of FHW, by UHC supervisor.
Improvement in maternal health services
- Improvement of labor room of the UHC & SC.
- Strengthening of BeMOC and CeMOC centers.
- Strengthening of staff skills through SBA training.
- A new strategy will be implemented of organizing Health Picnic for Pregnant Women.
Institutional Delivery increase in Public Institutional Delivery
Amount spend on strengthening of labor room - No. of labor rooms which are upgraded - No. of staff trained. - No. of health picnic arranged. - No. of pregnant women attending health picnic.
Involvement of AWW, CBHV to do PNC and inform FHW about deliveries in the village.
Post Natal Visit
NO. of PNC sessions conducted by FHW.
Child Health
- Emergency new born training for all staff.
- Implementation of IMNCI in the Corporation. (Detail given in Child health part)
Reduce Infant Death
- No. of staff trained in new born care.
- No. of IMNCI training sessions conducted.
- No. of staff trained in IMNCI workshop/training sessions.
Ensuring full immunization.
- Regular check up of all the AWC kids once in a month.
- Ensuring nutritious food is being given in AWC.
- Regular monitoring of Grade 3 & 4 children.
- Parent's education session regarding how to take care of thier child.
Reduce Child Death
- No. of children fully immunized.
- No. of kids checked by MO in AWC.
- No. of children in red zone.
- No. of parent education session conducted.
Improvement in Child Health services.
- Ensuring regular visit of AWC by FHW and UHCMO. Reduce Child Death - No. of children fully immunized.
- No. of kids checked by MO in AWC.
- No. of children in red zone.
- No. of parent education session conducted. Improvement in Child Health services.
- Regular Mamta Diwas in all the Wards.
- Proper planning of Mamta Diwas, one session per Anganwadi.
- Follow up to children to reduce drop out by AWW
Ensuring Immunization of all the children
- No. of Mamta Diwas sessions planned.
- % of Mamta Diwas sessions held according to Micro Plan.
- Establishment of CDNC.
- Health picnic for school going children along with their parents.
Reduce Malnutrition
- No. of CDNC centers established.
- No. of health picnics arranged for school going children.
Adolescent Health
- Make services accessible for adolescent by making centers adolescent friendly.
- IEC to increase the awareness among adolescent.
- DOTs therapy for consumption of IFA in School under supervision of Teacher or Monitor of school or class.
Reduce Adolescent Anemia Reduction of below 19 years Pregnancy
- No. of new AHFS centers which are established.
- No. of IEC campaigns which are held.
- No. of children which are administered IFA DOTs therapy.
- No. of new AHFS centers which are established.
- No. of IEC campaigns which are held.
- No. of children which are administered IFA DOTs therapy.
Family Planning
- Follow up of couples having one child for IUD and of two children for sterilization.
- IEC to use ECP, condom and oral pills.
- Sanitation of Mother-in-law and Father-in-law about family planning.
- Ensuring availability of OCP, ECP and condoms with CBHV, AWW and Sakhi mandal women's for promotion and utilization of all methods.
Reduce unmet need of Family Planning
- No. of couples gone IUD insertion.
- No. of couples adopting sterilization after two children.
- No. of village family planning sessions held.
Improvement in family planning services.
Sex Ratio
- Regular IEC at Ward level to save the girl child.
- Monitoring of implementation of PNDT act in the Corporation.
- Community participation and Faith based organizations to sanitize the community to save the girl child.
Improvement in Sex Ration at birth.
- No. of beti bachao rallies held.
- No. of nursing homes which are monitored.
- No. of nursing homes whom license was cancelled.
Improvement in Sex Ratio services


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