Mamta Seva Prothsahak Yojana

Getting pregnant is a matter of great joy and pride for any woman. Pregnancy is one of the most common stages in a woman’s life. Childhood, adolescence, youth, adulthood and old age The health care requirements vary in these surveys. Although pregnancy is normal, age is a very important factor and regular health check-ups are very important in addition to other diseases.

There is a very important problem during pregnancy. ‘Anemia’ Even under normal circumstances, the prevalence of anemia in Indian and Gujarati women is more than 60%. Which increases to more than 50% during pregnancy. In view of these circumstances, a program is being organized by the Government to reduce the incidence of anemia in pregnant women. Program etc., even if cash aid as well as iron supplementation is given, the expected result could not be achieved. Provision has been made in the current year’s budget to provide the required protein.

  1. From early registration of pregnant mothers (first trimester) to full immunization of their children during their full vaccination period, affordable incentives for their nutrition should be provided by Gandhinagar Municipal Corporation and its efforts to combat malnutrition by providing essential protein to pregnant women. To state that under the survey of NFHS 2007-08
  2. In the state of Gujarat, malnutrition is found in 55.3% of women in the age group of 15-45years. These same women become mothers. Then they need more nutrition. It is necessary to breastfeed the baby for 6 months after becoming a mother to prevent malnutrition. It is very important that pregnant and nursing mothers get nutritious food during all these times.
  3. In short, if a pregnant woman is malnourished, she is more likely to lose weight at birth. In addition, low birth weight babies can have other health problems.

Thus, in order to maintain the nutrition of the mother and the child as well as to maintain the nutrition of the mother and the child for nine months after the birth of the child and after that the child completes the full vaccination. Total 5 kg pulses in various phases from Gandhinagar Municipal Corporation as incentive will be provided whose information is as follows.





1 kg dal
At the time of early pregnancy registration (first three months)
1 kg dal
At the time of the second prenatal delivery (2NDANC)
1 kg dal
85/ K at the time of institutional delivery (BCG at birth, 0 dose of polio hepatitis at birth as well as consultation on breastfeeding for the first 6 months only)
1 kg dal
Pentavalent-2 and OPV-2 at all times
1 kg dal
Pentavalent-2 and OPV-3 each time
1 kg dal
Measles and VITA-A


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